イ明治ング (Imaging)


Table of Contents

Alt... Pic of the game in action

This simple party game can be played with any of the major AI art generators.

  1. One player randomly picks a topic card (for example: ‘heart’)
  2. Other players roll a dice to determine how many words they must use (3-6 words)
  3. Those players use those words in the AI art generator without mentioning the topic word (e.g.: ‘love,’ ‘human,’ ‘body,’ for the topic ‘heart’)
  4. Those players generate their art piece and share with the group.
  5. The person that chose the topic chooses the best result and gives them the topic card. The topic card is counted as 1-point.

So it’s like a funky AI art generating version of Apples to Apples.

日本語 PnP || English PnP

🇯🇵 Rules (日本語版)


スマートフォンアプリ”Dream By WOMBO”をインストール


  • お題カード  48枚
  • サイコロ 人数分
  • 携帯アプリ
    • Dream by WOMBO - AI Art Tool

Set Up




  1. お題カードを一枚めくり、参加者はサイコロを振る
  2. サイコロの目が

1,2の場合 ➡ 3単語 3,4の場合 ➡ 4単語 5,6の場合 ➡ 5単語


  1. ジャッジの人が、プレイヤーがつくった絵の中から一番上手く出来ていると思った絵を選ぶ
  2. ③で選ばれた人が1ポイント
  3. ①〜④を制限時間まで繰り返す。

🇬🇧 Rules (English version)

Prepare in advance

Install the smartphone app “Dream By WOMBO”


  • 48 theme cards
  • Dice for the number of people
  • Mobile app (e.g. Dream by WOMBO - AI Art Tool)

Set up


The player with the most cards won in 10 turns.


  1. Flip a title card, and the participants roll the dice.
  2. The eyes of the dice

In the case of 1, 2 ➡ 3 words In the case of 3, 4 ➡ 4 words In the case of 5, 6 ➡ 5 words

Use it up and make a picture in less than a minute.

  1. The judge chooses the one that he thought was the best made out of the pictures made by the player.
  2. 1 point for the person selected by 3
  3. Repeat 1 to 4 to the time limit.